The Best Blog Posts Of 2020

The Best Image and Style Blog Posts Of 2020 by I on Image
The Best Blog Posts Of 2020 by I on Image – Image created with Canva

The Best Blog Posts Of 2020

I am proud to present the best blog posts of 2020. These 10 image and style blog posts were the most read posts at I on Image. I am pleased to see some newcomers making the list but also some updated old posts picking up big time.

Let’s kick off New Year 2021 and look at the most popular blog posts of I on Image in 2020!

These Were The Most Popular Posts In 2020

The posts are displayed in reverse order so the lower you scroll, more popular the post. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them for you.

10. 9 Tips For Finding The Right Handbag – New entry on the list

9. 3 Reasons To Hire Me – New entry on the list

8. Shop Your Closet – Last year same position

7. 15 Fashion Quotes to Live By – New entry on the list

6. Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 1/3: Communication – New entry on the list

5. Improve Your Personal Image From Home – New post published in 2020

4. Discover Your Body Shape – Last year same position

3. Spring Summer 2020 Fashion Trend Report – New post published in 2020

2. Why Your Image Matters? – Up from last year’s position number 10

1. Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 2/3: Appearance – New entry on the list

The Best Image & Style Blog Posts Of 2020
The Best Image & Style Blog Posts Of 2020 by I on Image – CLICK TO SAVE ON PINTEREST

More 2020 Blog Data

I pulled this data on 4th January 2021 from I on Image’s WordPress statistics and Google Analytics 1st Jan – 31st Dec 2020. By the look of it, quite a lot was going on in this blog last year!

  • 32 published posts
  • 29’884 words written
  • 10’565 visitors
  • 1424 followers – Join them below

Join 2,127 other subscribers.
The Best Image & Style Blog Posts Of 2020 by I on Image - Pinterest 2
The Best Image & Style Blog Posts Of 2020 by I on Image – CLICK TO SAVE ON PINTEREST

Which one of these blog posts was your favorite and why? Did it help you solve your image or style dilemma on the spot? Or perhaps my post gave you tips and ideas to improve your personal image further in 2021?

Perhaps the reason you liked the post was something totally different? Or didn’t your favorite blog post reach the TOP10 at all?

Chime in and tell me in comments. I am forever grateful for all the feedback that helps me to improve this blog for YOUR benefit.

Thank you so much for being a loyal reader in 2020 and stay tuned for more posts in 2021!

22 thoughts on “The Best Blog Posts Of 2020

  1. I on Image says:

    Thank you Karalee! You should make a post like that too. They are fun to make and read. Let me know when your post is up so I can read it 🙂

  2. I on Image says:

    Thank you so much Lisa! It’s so easy to miss posts. I only recently realized that I wasn’t signed up for your blog and signed up immediately. Happy reading and let’s rock 2021 xx

  3. Lisa's Notebook says:

    I don’t think I’ve read all the posts in your top 10, Jenni, that’s an oversight I need to rectify! And publishing nearly 30,000 words is an amazing achievement – go you! x

  4. Kelly Diane says:

    This is such a great idea. These sound like some great posts. There are a couple I’ve obviously missed so will go back and read them now.

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