The Best Blog Posts 2021

Best Blog Posts Of 2021 by I on Image
Best Blog Posts Of 2021 by I on Image

The Best Blog Posts Of 2021

I am so proud to present the best blog posts of 2021. These 10 image and style blog posts were the most read posts at I on Image. I am pleased to see some amazing newcomers making the list but also some updated old posts rocketing like never before.

Let’s kick off New Year 2022 in style and look back at the most popular blog posts of I on Image in 2021!

The posts are displayed in reverse order so the lower you scroll, more popular the post. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them for you. Happy reading!

10. Improve Your Personal Image From Home – Down from last year’s number 5.

9. The Best Back to Work Style Tips – New entry on the list thanks to it’s massive popularity during the summer months of 2021. This post was originally published in 2019.

8. Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 1/3: Communication – Down from last year’s number 6 but still read almost as many times as in 2020.

7. 9 Tips For Finding The Right Handbag – Climbed up from last year’s number 10.

6. How To Dress Things Down? – New entry on the list. This post was originally published in 2018 but after I updated it to fit the pandemic situation, it skyrocketed all of a sudden.

5. How To Upgrade Your Wardrobe In The Most Sustainable Way? – New entry on the list and growing rapidly since it was published in June 2021.

4. Shop Your Closet – Climbed up from last year’s number 8.

3. Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 2/3: Appearance – Last year’s winner, now a bit less popular. But it was still read 25% more in 2021 than in 2020!

2. Why Your Image Matters? – Last year same solid position.

1. Discover Your Body Shape – Climbed up from last year’s number 4.

Compare this list with the most popular blog posts of 2020

2021 Blog Data

This data is pulled on 3rd January 2022 from I on Image’s WordPress statistics and Google Analytics 1st Jan – 31st Dec 2021. I am most pleased to see I on Image’s search engine traffic doubling from 2020.

At the moment most of my blog readers (and clients!) come through organic search which is a fantastic reward for my relentless SEO studies. I still love social media for it’s connectivity and sense of community but with a good website you’ll end up with better results.

  • 28 published posts
  • 22,885 words written
  • 371 blog comments
  • 119 post likes
  • 13,431 site visitors
  • 1649 followers – Join them below

Compare these numbers with the 2020 blog data

Join 2,127 other subscribers.

Visit I on Image’s Blog Posts Per Category

Best Blog Posts Of 2021 PINTEREST IMAGE

Which one of these Top 10 blog posts of 2021 was your favorite -and why? Did it help you solve your image or style dilemma on the spot? Which post gave you inspiration to improve your personal image further in the new year 2022?

Have your say and tell me in the blog comments section. I am forever grateful for all the feedback that helps me to improve this blog for YOUR benefit. Here’s to another great blogging year!

Thank you so much for being a loyal reader in 2021 and stay tuned for more inspiring and educative blog posts here at I on Image in 2022!

12 thoughts on “The Best Blog Posts 2021

  1. ellegracedeveson says:

    Congratulations on such a great year lovely, you’ve shared some brilliant posts which I’ll defiantly have to read more of. Thank you so much for sharing such amazing posts with us, I throughly enjoyed reading them Xo

    Elle –

  2. glowsteady says:

    I’m not surprised to see the one on sustainability grow so quickly, I think that’s something a lot of us are more conscious about when we’re wanting new items/ debating how to shop these days!

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