Workwear And Business Style Forecasts For The New Year

Workwear and business style forecasts for 2021 by image consultant and personal stylist Jenni at I on Image
Photos by Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash – Created with Canva

Workwear And Business Style Forecasts by I on Image

This post showcases my workwear and business style forecasts for 2021. What are we going to wear this year to work? Has the pandemic changed our style values for good? Read further and find out.

The pandemic has made working from home the norm and this will continue to trickle down to our fashion choices ie. the things we wear to work every day.

In 2021 our business clothes will continue to get more individual and less formal. Our office style needs to echo the new work softer culture that is very much talent driven. Individuality and creative thinking are at the heart of the current work ethos.

Women at work will continue to appreciate and demand more flexibility and more freedom. This sentiment will reflect directly in our style preferences. Stuffy suits and vertiginous heels might feel out of place in this type of mindset. Softer values will rule also in fashion.

Wellness will continue to reign as a mega-trend. Hyper-consumerism is already frowned upon and more holistic choices will be introduced to consumers in all industries, fashion included.

What Are We Going To Buy In 2021?

Repeating outfits, repurposing our clothing and shopping our closet will remain popular. Second hand fashion is no longer considered a faux pas but a conscious style choice in every woman’s wardrobe.

We are also interested in making our own clothes. Sewing is now more popular than ever and utilized not only in making new clothes, but also for repairing, up-cycling and customizing items.

British department store John Lewis reported a 127% increase in sewing machine sales in 2020. It’s really time to start knowing your Singers from your Brothers. My own is a Husqvarna from 1995 and still rocking!

Call For Individuality

Independent fashion labels are in high demand right now, especially those that make sustainable fashion. We crave for individuality and exclusivity.

Typically we would have sought that experience from high-end designer brands but now the money is tight. Also it shows bad taste to flaunt opulence when so many people have lost their jobs and struggle to get by.

Small showrooms are also having a moment. We want to avoid crowded malls and busy shopping streets at all cost. Avoiding unnecessary transportation and supporting local business make us favor our less-known fashion designers.

Frugal & Comfy

Women want to invest in less items and to get more out their wardrobes. Gone are the days of one-wear fashion affairs. An item needs to be versatile, comfortable and low-maintenance.

A garment has to be able to work hard and transform into various situations. It can no longer be tied strictly to just one season. Fashion is becoming less about seasons, and more about individuality and self-expression.

We want our clothes to be comfortable and it’s no surprise that according to Marie Claire’s December 2020 report online searches for jogging pants increased 2000% in April 2020 only.

Dressing From Waist Up

Dressing from waist up will continue to be to be important. Tops, scarves, jewelry, collars, relaxed jackets and knitwear will be good investments and look amazing on Zoom.

My own 2021 WFH favorites are:

  1. Statement knitwear
  2. All details on top: Ruches, ruffles, buttons and bows
  3. Sparkly earrings
  4. Bright colors
  5. Loungewear
  6. Scarves – Tie yours on a big bow like I did

PRO TIP: Shop the best business casual workwear with your personal shopper Jenni at I on Image

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Workwear & Business Style Forecasts For 2021 - Image for Pinterest
Workwear & Business Style Forecasts For 2021 – CLICK TO SAVE ON PINTEREST

Share your own fashion forecasts for 2021 in comments. What are you wearing this year? Has the pandemic changed your style values? I am very curious to hear your thoughts!

20 thoughts on “Workwear And Business Style Forecasts For The New Year

  1. I on Image says:

    Thank you for sharing Kelly! Comfort is so important, especially when working from home. I often just sit on the sofa with my laptop and obviously can’t do that in a suit 😀

  2. Kelly Diane says:

    Yes to second hand clothes. You can find so much more individuality that way. I definitely want to see people dressing more for comfort too.

  3. I on Image says:

    You’re welcome Lisa! Shopping in our closets is so much fun and far more meaningful than the hollow haul-culture that reigned before the pandemic. Now only the most superficial influencers do those videos and only the most superficial bother to watch them 😀 Go sparkly xx

  4. I on Image says:

    The increase of jogging pant searches started when the grand dame of fashion, Anna Wintour of Vogue, was spotted wearing jogging pants in public. Pre-pandemic she was surgically attached to her Manolo Blahnik heels and Chanel jackets. Both looks are obviously fabulous but not very WFH and definitely worn to be seen. I have seen other hardcore fashion folks going casual and choosing comfort over a “lewk”. I am looking forward to getting dressed up but wondering if I can still walk in heels. Probably not!

  5. Lisa's Notebook says:

    Yessss to second hand, vintage and repurposing, Jenni! And I’d never say no to a pair of sparkly earrings either, especially as we’re all Zooming nowadays. Great tips as always, thank you xx

  6. Unwanted Life says:

    2000% increase in jogging pants, wow, didn’t people like to wear comfortable clothing at home before the pandemic started? I have no idea about fashion as I’ve never followed the mainstream, so I can’t predict what this year’s fashion trends will be. But I’m guessing some people will be hoping to dresses to impress soon, now that the vaccinations have started

  7. I on Image says:

    Hahaha, you are most likely not alone! Luckily you can always take an online course or start following what your mum and sister do. I am sure they’d be happy to tutor you and to help you to get started. Have a great week xx

  8. I on Image says:

    Thank you Amber! It’s so much fun to make clothes. I haven’t made anything in ages but love to do repairs and quick fixes to make clothes sit better on me 🙂

  9. I on Image says:

    I hope so too! The new mindset can guide us to a better, more wholesome lifestyle. I personally don’t miss mindless shopping sprees but I will always love fashion. I try to ignite that feeling in my customers and followers too xx

  10. I on Image says:

    Working remote is great on so many levels! Taking the commute away gives so much time back to be spent on more important things. I also love lounging around in leggings. I would have never worn them to work before but now they are my favorite thing to wear -but obviously only at home 🙂

  11. I on Image says:

    Glad to hear that you found this interesting Melissa! Sewing machine is a must-have and so much fun too. I like to do quick fixes to clothes that are almost right but not quite there. It’s also nice to be able to fix broken seams myself as my local tailor might be closed when I need something right away. Give it a try, I’m sure you’ll love it xx

  12. Teresa Maria says:

    I so so wish you are 100% right with this post! We need more individuality instead of repeating “trends” and more of valuing what we have. “Repeating outfits, repurposing our clothing and shopping our closet will remain popular.” This is the only way forward, for us as much as the planet. Win-win! 🙂

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

  13. Therese says:

    You are so right, I do think clothes and what we wear to work and how we shop are going to forever be changed. I’m personally hoping i’m still able to work remote, so I can wear leggings as much as possible 🙂 I really like the statement knitwear. I will need to come back to that.

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