Unexpected Advantages Of Hiring An Image Consultant

Unexpected Advantages Of Hiring An Image Consultant
Unexpected Advantages Of Hiring An Image Consultant – Photo credits Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Unexpected Advantages Of Hiring An Image Consultant

In this blog post I have listed unexpected advantages of hiring an image consultant. Some of them might come as a complete surprise to you. Read along and get inspired to make that shift for becoming a better you.

Many people don’t realize how massive impact your personal image and style have in your life. My job is to help you look better but a lot of my work is also about changing your mindset.

I help you to see what kind of changes you need to make in your life so you can enjoy it more. Also I show you how to start valuing what is amazing about you and how to highlight your best features. These are often about the way you look but also very much about your personality.

I Will Help You To…

1. Make a great first impression

2. Learn to put your best foot forward in any situation

3. Enhance your personal brand for better opportunities and career success

4. Work on your personal brand online

5. Have more self-respect and show others your worth

6. Set yourself apart from competition

7. Be more confident in tricky situations

8. Dare to speak your mind in meetings

9. Increase your executive presence for leadership opportunities

10. Be more memorable

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11. Have better style in every situation

12. Enjoy dressing up and getting compliments

13. Look and feel amazing every single day

14. Radiate professionalism and trustworthiness

15. Buy the right clothes for your unique body shape and colors

16. Learn to navigate the shops with ease

17. Save your time and money for more important things

18. Shop your closet like a professional stylist

19. Dress better and faster

20. Understand the huge impact of your personal image and style

Unexpected Advantages Of Hiring An Image Consultant That Will Surprise You PINTEREST

Read more about my work philosophy in these blog posts:

Are you ready to start your journey towards a stronger personal brand, impeccable image and stunning personal style?

Jenni @ I on Image - Content Creator Fuelled by Fashion

8 thoughts on “Unexpected Advantages Of Hiring An Image Consultant

  1. Jenni @ I on Image says:

    Oh thank you so much Fadima! Trinny and Suzanne were a lot of fun and I always enjoyed their fashion advice. But an image consultant will look deeper into your overall image and give you clarity on your personal brand and confidence to pull it all off. The right clothes play a big role, of course. I’d be happy to tell you more if you are interested xx

  2. Fadima Mooneira says:

    Wow…… this post reminds me of Trinny and Suzanne. But this post also makes me realise that it is important to hire an image consultant. Before this I never thought of hiring one…..

  3. Jenni @ I on Image says:

    Thank you so much for the nice feedback Aaliyah! Most of my clients don’t enjoy shopping at all. It’s my job to make sure they still look amazing even if fashion is their least favorite thing 🙂

  4. Aaliyah says:

    This was a really great post and really interesting! There are so many good points here, this would be perfect for someone who doesn’t like shopping! X

  5. Jenni @ I on Image says:

    Thank you so much for the lovely feedback Lisa! Our wardrobes are so much more than just clothes. They affect our mood, reflect our values and help us express ourselves better.

  6. Lisa's Notebook says:

    Love this post, Jenni! I think it’s very easy to get bogged down with our wardrobes and nvere more so than right now when so many of us are working from home. I’ve been loving your Instagram tips with scarves, for example 🙂 xx

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