The Best Blog Posts Of 2022

The Best Blog Posts Of 2022 by image consultant and personal stylist Jenni  at I on Image
The Best Blog Posts Of 2022 – Photo by Uby Yanes on Unsplash

The Best Blog Posts Of 2022

I am delighted to present my best blog posts of 2022. These 10 personal image and style blog posts were the most read content here at I on Image. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them for you.

Last year I didn’t have as much time for my blog as I would have wanted and I published less than I did in the past two years. Also I didn’t have as much time to promote my posts on social media than I had before. This was partly because of my volunteer work as a chairwoman 2022 of Finnish Women In The Netherlands but also because I had a few bigger side hustles going on. These projects have now finished and I am looking forward to a more busy blogging year ahead.

Let’s kick off New Year 2023 in style and look back at the most popular blog posts of I on Image in 2022!

My Most Popular Blog Posts In 2022

The posts are displayed in reverse order so the lower you scroll, more popular the post.

Happy reading moments!

10. 6 Reasons Why You Should Work With An Image Consultant – New post published in April 2022 that got immediately popular.

9. Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 1/3: Communication – Down one spot from last year’s number 9 but still rocking like a true classic.

8. 9 Tips For Finding The Right Handbag – Down one spot from last year’s number 7. This post was particularly popular around the time when people were returning back to the office after the summer.

7. The Best Fashion Shopping in Amsterdam – New entry on the list. This post made a shining comeback after a two year hiatus and made the most popular blog posts list for the first time. It was originally published in 2019 and has now been updated to include all the best Amsterdam fashion shops to visit in 2023!

6. How To Improve Your Personal Image From Home – Climbed up from last year’s number 10. This post was originally published in 2020 and it was then holding spot number 5. My readers found a new meaning for it after the lockdown and keep on enjoying it’s great value.

5. Your Personal Image Is Everything PART 2/3: Appearance – Down two spots from last year’s number 3 but still a very relevant image consulting post for my business professional readers.

4. How to Dress Things Down? – Up two spots from last year’s number 6. This post’s popularity is a living testimony of the fact that the way we dress for work has changed possibly for good. Key words for 2023 office style are authentic, grounded and comfortable.

Top 3

3. Why Your Image Matters? – Down one spot from last two years’s number 2. This post contains solid advice on the importance of personal image and opens doors to other posts that hep you to put your best foot forward every day in 2023. A true I on Image blog classic!

2. How To Upgrade Your Wardrobe In The Most Sustainable Way? – Up three spots from last years number 5. This guest post was originally published in 2021 but it’s views over doubled in 2022. Sustainable fashion remains a relevant topic and I will be taking this into account when creating new content.

1. Discover Your Unique Body Shape – This post enjoyed last year the same solid position number one. It’s views doubled in 2022 and already on 3rd of January it’s fast growing. Let’s see how far it will go in 2023!

My Blog In Numbers In 2022

This data is pulled on 3rd January 2023 from I on Image’s WordPress statistics and Google Analytics 1st Jan – 31st Dec 2022. Just like last year most of my blog readers (and clients!) come through organic search. Of all my visitors 84% found my website through organic unpaid search.

This is a lovely feeling, especially on the year that I had so little time to dedicate to my blog. It seems like readers still know how to find me and enjoy my content.

  • 8 published posts
  • 6381 words written
  • 183 blog comments
  • 31 post likes
  • 11,425 site visitors – 46% of them are from United States
  • 1771 followers – Join them below

Join 2,127 other subscribers.

Compare these numbers with:

Visit I on Image’s Blog Posts Per Category:

Which one of these best blog posts of 2022 resonates with you? Tell me in comments, or just leave me your overall thoughts about my blog. You know that I love feedback. That way I can make this blog a more meaningful place for you to visit.

Thank you so much for being a loyal reader in 2022 and stay tuned for more inspiring and educative blog posts here at I on Image in 2023. Here’s to a brand new blogging year!

Jenni @ I on Image - Content Creator Fuelled by Fashion

4 thoughts on “The Best Blog Posts Of 2022

  1. Lisa's Notebook says:

    I’ve never done a top blogs round up post before, this is a really good idea. Not least because it shows what type of content people like to see, which informs future writing!

  2. Karalee says:

    It was fun seeing which of your posts were popular compared to 2021 and that’s interesting that most of your popular posts are older and only 1 was published in 2022. Also, that’s good you know that you need to update your fashion shopping in Amsterdam post!

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