Prepare Your Closet For The New Season

Prepare Your Closet For The New Season - FREE Style Guide
Prepare Your Closet For The New Season – Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash – Created with Canva

Prepare Your Closet For The New Season

Prepare your closet for the new season with the best wardrobe organizing tips. Manage your wardrobe like a pro + Get MORE out of your style!

When a new season is beginning it is the ideal time to have a proper closet clean out. I advice to do it BEFORE buying anything new. Typically I would recommend doing a thorough closet detox at least two times a year. Once you have the wardrobe styling routine under control, you can challenge yourself to do it four times a year.

I recognize the temptation to just keep on clicking fabulous new items into your basket. But once they arrive you’ll be short of space and kind of add to the existing chaos. So let’s NOT do that!

Taking control of your wardrobe is good for your own clarity and time management, but the planet will thank you too. You will also be delighted to see how much money you have saved in the process!

Jenni @ I on Image in “Shop Your Closet

Follow easy these steps and enjoy a well curated wardrobe that works for YOU (and not the other way around). After all, style should be a joy and not a burden. I want you to enjoy dressing up every day!

How To Get Started?

  1. Make some space in your closet. Purge items that are in bad condition, don’t fit or you no longer want to wear for reason or another.
  2. READ ALSO: How to plan the perfect wardrobe?
  3. Learn to let go of items that you no longer love or no longer work for you. This is a process, I know. We hold on to clothes for various reasons and it’s hard to let go, but imagine if you kept everything.
  4. Pack away seasonal items: There’s no need to have winter parkas stored next to your beachwear.
  5. Keep only what really works for you: You deserve to look good every single day. There’s no reason for keeping clothes that make you feel meh or don’t fit right. Consider creating a capsule wardrobe!
  6. Rethink your wardrobe: Repair, renew and repurpose. Make friends with a tailor and seek fresh style inspiration from Pinterest or Instagram.
  7. Take good care of your items: Wash them right, dry them right and store them neatly.
  8. READ ALSO: How to upgrade your wardrobe in a sustainable way?
  9. Recycle your old or unwanted clothes. Donate to a charity, sell in a consignment store or 2nd hand website (such as The Next Closet) or swap them with a friend. Never blindly bin an item, Mother Earth doesn’t want your rejects!

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How Did We Get This Far?

It’s great to know how to store your clothes right but how did we get this far with our wardrobe organization? Read also two previous parts of my wardrobe editing guide:

  1. PLAN – How To Plan The Perfect Wardrobe?
  2. PREP – You are here!
  3. STORE – How To Store Your Clothes Right?

Shop Your Closet – Your FREE Style Guide

Closet clean-out like a pro, have a style detox, shop your closet and discover new combinations with the items you already own. You will always know you what to wear and you can fully concentrate on what matters the most to you.

Jenni @ I on Image - Content Creator Fuelled by Fashion

11 thoughts on “Prepare Your Closet For The New Season

  1. glowsteady says:

    These are great tips, I always try to look though and see what I really need before I try to look for anything new. I do find letting go of older pieces difficult though, I need to try harder with that x

  2. Giulia says:

    I’ve done some clean out of my closet. Firstly, I decided to put away things (or get rid) that did not fit. I only put them away because I thought, I love these and once I lose weight I might want them again. Then, I cleaned out even more because I am pregnant and stuff didn’t fit and I wanted it gone. Once the baby comes, I will clean out again including anything I no longer fit into/want that I have already saved. It’s gotta be done! Thanks for sharing, we need to be reminded that it’s okay to get rid of stuff.

  3. Jenni @ I on Image says:

    Yay Lisa! I love to write a timely post that is helpful right away. Happy purging and enjoy your summer in style xx Ps. What was on your bye-bye list? I am curious!

  4. Lisa's Notebook says:

    How funny, I’ve literally just cleared out a HUGE bunch of clothes that I haven’t worn in years so this post is brilliant timing, thank you! 🙂

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